JAKARTA, Lose weight instantly into the desire of many people. One way to try is to do a detox and yoga.
Doctors Narutopathy and Yogic Science from India, Purushothaman Munirathinam revealed, detox coupled with yoga can lose weight at least 2 kilograms in 3 days.
"" This is yoga movements with healthy recipes to undergo detoxification for people who want to lose weight quickly, "" said Puru in the launch of his book titled Detox Yoga at Gramedia Bookstore, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (27/1 / 2015).
According Puru, detox is the most natural way to lose weight. Diet during the detox is only vegetables and fruits. Then do yoga to get rid of toxins more leverage.
"" We must also move. With yoga, the muscles move, "" light Puru.diet detox is also practiced by some people. One of them is Ana, who claimed to lose weight as much as 7 kilos after undergoing detox. "" After a month of detox, I wondered bold new entity. I was shocked, weight was 69 so 62 kilograms, "" he said.
Puru said, after a person doing the detox, the faster your metabolism will thus get rid of fat in the body quickly. According to him, detox yoga is not only beneficial to lose weight, but also make the body more healthy.
"" Detox is a secret diet program to keep fit, youthful, and attractive, '' said the 32-year-old man.
In a book published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, the menu revealed Puru detox and yoga moves that need to be done. According Puru, detox yoga can be done by beginners or those who have never detox and yoga.
During 5.5 years, studied kedokeran Puru Narutopathy and science of yoga. Then, since 2006, he practices in a number of hospitals Delhi neighborhood, Puno, and Cennai.
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